Lockton has a zero tolerance of Slavery in all its forms. This means that Lockton has no appetite for causing harm to persons, damaging its reputation, being subject of legal action or incurring financial loss or standing in the business community arising from a failure to comply with the Law set out in the Modern Slavery Act. Locktons policies, controls and procedures are designed to reduce risk to this level.

Anti-Slavery Statement

Lockton International Holdings Ltd: Anti-Slavery Statement September 2024

Slavery is an abhorrent practice and Lockton is committed to ensuring that it is absent from Lockton’s own business and supply chains globally.

Statement of Risk Appetite

Lockton has a zero tolerance of Slavery in all its forms. This means that Lockton has no appetite for causing harm to persons, damaging its reputation, being subject of legal action or incurring financial loss or standing in the business community arising from a failure to comply with the Law set out in the Modern Slavery Act. Lockton’s policies, controls and procedures are designed to reduce risk to this level.

Application and Scope of this statement

This statement applies to all companies in the Lockton International Group (“Lockton”), including all majority and minority interests globally. For the avoidance of doubt, it includes Lockton Companies LLP and Lockton Re LLP. Unless noted, all companies in Lockton are required to abide by this policy.

How Lockton Combats Slavery

In order to combat slavery, Lockton

  • Will adopt this policy and approve this statement.

  • Has reviewed it’s risk assessment to identify areas where the risk of slavery may be elevated. The outputs and actions will be presented to the Board of Lockton International Holdings Ltd. Lockton continues to consider itself to be at “Low” risk of slavery arising (meaning that it is unlikely or known that slavery is not occurring), but is not complacent and as a result of the risk assessment will continue to take sensible, risk-based measures designed to reduce risk to within stated appetite.

  • Carries out checks in its supply chain (principally those involved in providing and distributing products to Lockton customers) to reduce the risk of slavery occurring; in particular, Lockton uses screening software to identify suppliers and other third parties who may have had convictions for (and allegations of) trafficking and similar offences. Further actions will be taken to require participants in our supply chains to attest to an absence of non-compliant activity; to sign agreements that require compliant behaviours; and to submit to checks and report failures to Lockton;

  • Will investigate the provision of training materials for all Associates in the group and disseminate information on the requirements of this policy once approved, and;

  • Will formally review performance against this policy annually.

Lockton welcomes questions from interested persons on this subject.

Anti Slavery Signiture

Please click here to review the Modern Slavery Signed Policy. (opens a new window)