
Lockton appoints Mark Jones as International Chief Financial Officer

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There is always something exciting happening at Lockton. Here are just a few from our newsroom.

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Big green hydrogen: Superpower to fight climate change

Hydrogen is one of Planet Earth’s most common substances and over the last few years in pursuit of countries putting in place ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, hydrogen has played an increasing part in their plans and perhaps gain …

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Real Estate

Data centers: Protecting projects across the life cycle

While global sentiment may be subdued in some sectors, there is a lot of excitement about data centers. Demand for data center capacity is expected to grow rapidly in coming years, driven not only by customer demand but also by the rapid rise of arti …

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4 Reasons Why Growing Businesses Need a Strategic Insurance Broker

Growing businesses, in the Middle East are operating in a fast-moving, ever-changing landscape. With unique growth challenges, emerging risks, and constrained resources, staying ahead of threats while seizing opportunities can feel like walking a tig …

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Risk Control

Inside Risk: Mitigating the risks of roof mounted photovoltaic systems

The use of photovoltaic (PV) systems to generate clean sustainable energy is well established within the built environment, with installations becoming more of a ‘norm’, rather than an exception. However, the installation of PV systems to a building  …

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Risk Control

Inside Risk: Sprinkler protection in enclosed parking structures

The property fire risk of cars and associated enclosed parking areas has changed significantly over recent decades, increasing the risk of a large loss. Many modern vehicles have increased in size and incorporate bigger quantities of combustible mate …

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Law firms: digital assets and blockchain risks

From blockchain-based payment systems to clients’ token offerings, law firms are increasingly finding themselves giving advice around digital assets, blockchain, and other forms of distributed ledger technology (DLT). Given the evolving regulatory la …

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